Upcoming events Keine Veranstaltungen Past events 25/01/25 20:00 "It Turns Out It's Not You" by Vsevolod Lisovskiy 01/12/24 16:00 KINDERSZENEN // Für Kinder 10+ und Erwachsene 01/11/24 20:00 Frau | Soloperformance 16/06/24 17:00 "Impro Panda" präsentiert: Dokumentarische Performance "Hi, Berlin" 15/06/24 15:00 ‘Schnickschnack Sinfonie’ – eine musikalische Performance für Groß und Klein 18/05/24 20:00 King Lear and his Chef: Play by the Chaika Theater 10/05/24 20:00 Nathan / Performance-reading by Alexander Delphinov 03/05/24 20:00 “BORDERLINE” theatrical performance 14/04/24 17:00 "Impro Panda" präsentiert: Dokumentarische Performance "Hi, Berlin" 13/04/24 14:00 "The unemployed tree" / "Безработное дерево" // A play for children 5+ by Sveta Ben 30/09/23 20:00 Sasha Denisova's project: My mom and the full-scale invasion / Моя мама и полномасштабное вторжение 29/09/23 20:00 Sasha Denisova's project: My mom and the full-scale invasion / Моя мама и полномасштабное вторжение 16/09/23 20:00 “Women in the Dark”: stage reading 09/09/23 11:00 Colorful Book / Разноцветная книга: A play for kids 4-10 y. by Alef Theatre (Israel) 07/09/23 20:00 Frau N (The Country got Delusions of Grandeur) 1 2 >