Upcoming events Keine Veranstaltungen Past events 13/10/23 19:00 We don't speak Yiddish/Мы не говорим на идиш 06/10/23 20:00 Takeo Oshima (Japan) & Bipoetry (Rasuleva and Delfinov) 15/09/23 20:00 Smirnov Strives to Remember / Смирнов пытается вспомнить: Book presentation by Alexander Delfinov 03/09/23 19:00 PARATAXE: Julia Kissina und Haytham El-Wardany 17/06/23 20:00 Alexander Delphinov: Book presentation 09/06/23 20:00 Book presentation: «Перед лицом катастрофы» ("Facing the catastrophe") 08/06/23 19:00 Book presentation: "Z. Kurze Geschichte Russlands, von seinem Ende her gesehen" – Olaf Kühl 03/06/23 20:00 Встречи без перевода: Сергей Лебедев 21/04/23 20:00 TEL L laboratory: poetry in forgotten native languages, stories of losing native cultures 15/04/23 20:00 Дмитрий Строцев: юбилейный вечер 01/04/23 20:00 "Klaviatur des Hasses - Antisemitismus in der Musik": Buchvorstellung 04/03/23 20:00 How we buried Josef Stalin: A play about flexibility and immortality 26/01/23 20:00 Talks without translation: A. Nune 21/01/23 20:00 Alexander Delfinov: book presentation - "War and War" ("Война и война") 08/12/22 20:00 Су. Вечер с Динарой Расулевой и её книгой < 1 2 3 4 >