Help Ukraine
Daniil Adasinskiy With deep sorrow, we share the news that our friend and colleague, Daniel Adasinsky, has passed away. It is hard to find the right words - everything feels too dry, too imprecise. Since 2013, Daniel (Danya) has been actively involved in organizational work as a volunteer, technical administrator, and art director. From 2018 to 2024, he also served as the second chairperson of PANDA platforma. His contributions played a significant role in elevating the professionalism and quality of our work. Recently, he had been going through a difficult time, but we all hoped that a way forward would be found. The news of his passing came as a terrible shock to us. At this moment, it is impossible to make plans, to think about creativity, or to focus on work. Nothing will ever be the same again. We extend our sincere condolences to Danya’s wife, his family, and his friends....
Home toiy //#PANDAjazz
toiy //#PANDAjazz

toiy //#PANDAjazz

by Sonya Birch


Daniel Meyer – Gitarre
Finlay Panter – Schlagzeug
Tobias Schirmer – Klarinette, Saxophon


toiy suchen in ihren improvisationen den Weg aus engen, verwinkelten Räumen in die Weite offener Felder. Und wieder zurück. Ähnlich einer Radtour aus der großen Stadt hinaus ins Freie. Mit offenen Ohren für alle Überraschungen unterwegs.

Die Musiker haben viele Konzerte gespielt mit Bands wie ua Let Spin, Bauhauskapellentraum und kokotob, mit Musikerinnen wie Ruth Goller, Almut Schlichting, Taiko Saito.


Eintritt: 10 Euro


Daniel Meyer – Guitar
Finlay Panter – Drums
Tobias Schirmer – Clarinet, Saxophone

Toiy search in their improvisations for a path from tight, winding spaces into the expansiveness of open fields. And then back again. Much like a bike ride from the big city out into the open. With open ears for all the surprises along the way.

The musicians have played many concerts with bands such as Let Spin, Bauhauskapellentraum, and Kokotob, and with musicians like Ruth Goller, Almut Schlichting, and Taiko Saito.


Admission: 10 Euro

Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren ist der Zutritt zu Veranstaltungen in PANDA platforma nur in Begleitung einer erziehungsbeauftragten oder personensorgeberechtigten Person in Verbindung mit jeweils einer gültigen Eintrittskarte gestattet. Grundlage: §5 JuSchG

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Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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