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Daniil Adasinskiy With deep sorrow, we share the news that our friend and colleague, Daniel Adasinsky, has passed away. It is hard to find the right words - everything feels too dry, too imprecise. Since 2013, Daniel (Danya) has been actively involved in organizational work as a volunteer, technical administrator, and art director. From 2018 to 2024, he also served as the second chairperson of PANDA platforma. His contributions played a significant role in elevating the professionalism and quality of our work. Recently, he had been going through a difficult time, but we all hoped that a way forward would be found. The news of his passing came as a terrible shock to us. At this moment, it is impossible to make plans, to think about creativity, or to focus on work. Nothing will ever be the same again. We extend our sincere condolences to Danya’s wife, his family, and his friends....
Home Sasha Pushkin: Silent films & live music & visual art & special guests!
Sasha Pushkin: Silent films & live music & visual art & special guests!

Sasha Pushkin: Silent films & live music & visual art & special guests!

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

Short silent films & live music & visual art & special guests!
This is the concept for the event.
I show really old and really new silent films in very different styles.
I invite visual artists to create there art live with my music, and have some real live musicians – guests on stage. So, again it will be unique and as always special.
About artists:
Sasha Pushkin – concept, piano, electronics, guitar, voice

As a cross over composer, pianist, improviser, singer and concept – creator, he works in the fields of, improvised, contemporary and new music, world, jazz, electronic, rock using elements of industrial, avant-garde, classic and more.
Liudmila Kartoshkina-Siewerski, video artist
Born in St.Petersburg, lives in Berlin
Liudmila´s artistic practice include video
installations, video art films and
multimedia performances that explore
boundaries between space, object and
moving image in its various
perspectives – from atmospherical
immersive utopian environments to
provocative video art works filmed in
different public spaces.
As a live visual artist she creates visual
narratives in the minimalistic manner mostly
using animated geometrical graphics and
abstract fragments which describe and
translate to the audience questions of fragility
and femininity without explicitly displaying
images .
Geometrical aesthetics merges with botanical
elements in order to create new paths within
the digital garden.
Charlotte Bach – Visual Art.
Creative open mind world traveller with roots both in the analogue as well as the digital art world. Connecting the two she creates immersive experiences, forming a bridge between technology and nature, inside and outside and everything in between..
Emil Georgiev – Tamboura, Guitar.
Emil is a Bulgarian guitar player with Armenian ancestors. Born 1991 in Sofia, he began playing music at an early age and integrated classical traditions and many modern styles in doing so. Improvisations take a special role in his music. He founded a Jazz-fusion sextett and performed with his own compositions in Bulgarian TV. Today he lives in Berlin, plays with various artists and develops his style in the directions of traditional, contemporary music and Jazz music.
Daniel Pfennings – Violin
Young generation classical music power!
He is someone who can do somethig that many classical musicians don’t..
Other special guests could also appear on stage..
And of course great films!
Ballet Mécanique – 1924 -Fernand Léger
Charlie Chaplin. The Rink (1916) or Charlie Chaplin vs Baster Keaton – boxing
Private Snafu – Secret Ameracan war departpent – propaganda film (1943-45)
Seaman Tarfu – Secret American war departpent – propaganda film (1943-45)
Remission by JohnCharter (USA – 2019)
The Bremen Town Musicians (USSR) – 1969 (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
Premiere! –
Visual art by Liumila Kartoshkina – music by Sasha Pushkin
Visual art by Charlotte Bach – music by Sasha Pushkin

Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren ist der Zutritt zu Veranstaltungen in PANDA platforma nur in Begleitung einer erziehungsbeauftragten oder personensorgeberechtigten Person in Verbindung mit jeweils einer gültigen Eintrittskarte gestattet. Grundlage: §5 JuSchG

We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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