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Daniil Adasinskiy With deep sorrow, we share the news that our friend and colleague, Daniel Adasinsky, has passed away. It is hard to find the right words - everything feels too dry, too imprecise. Since 2013, Daniel (Danya) has been actively involved in organizational work as a volunteer, technical administrator, and art director. From 2018 to 2024, he also served as the second chairperson of PANDA platforma. His contributions played a significant role in elevating the professionalism and quality of our work. Recently, he had been going through a difficult time, but we all hoped that a way forward would be found. The news of his passing came as a terrible shock to us. At this moment, it is impossible to make plans, to think about creativity, or to focus on work. Nothing will ever be the same again. We extend our sincere condolences to Danya’s wife, his family, and his friends....
Home YIDDISH BERLIN reads Yiddish poetesses
YIDDISH BERLIN reads Yiddish poetesses

YIDDISH BERLIN reads Yiddish poetesses

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

On International Women’s Day, we gather to celebrate the amazing women who wrote and are writing in Yiddish. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, from Saint Petersburg to the United States, women have been creating fantastic Yiddish poetry. In their writings, we find biblical motifs and radical imagery, topics of motherhood, emancipation, sexual freedom, and oppression in the patriarchal society. Their choice to write in Yiddish was a part of their political statement as well.

We invite you to get to know these women, the well-known names and less famous ones, to learn about their lives and works. The program will include poetry recitation and musical performances of texts by:

Mariya Alexeeva | Rivka Basman Ben-Hayim | Celia Dropkin | Irena Klepfisz | Rokhl H. Korn | Ana Margolin | Kadia Molodowsky | Miriam Ulinover | Debora Vogel

The event is organized by Yiddish.Berlin with the participation of:

Arndt Beck | Patrick Farrell | Hilde Haberland | Sveta Kundish | Katerina Kuznetsova | Anna Rozenfeld | Jordan Lee Schnee | Jake Schneider | Maria Stazherova

***Free entrance / donations are welcome***
2G+ (vaccinated + boostered or vaccinated + negative test).

Supported by Ursula Lachnit-Fixson Stiftung

In partnership with PANDA platforma

Am Internationalen Frauentag versammeln wir uns, um die erstaunlichen Frauen zu feiern, die auf Jiddisch geschrieben haben und schreiben. Vom Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts bis heute, von Sibirien bis in die Vereinigten Staaten, haben Frauen fantastische jiddische Poesie geschaffen. In ihren Schriften finden wir biblische Motive und radikale Bildsprache, Themen wie Mutterschaft, Emanzipation, sexuelle Freiheit und Unterdrückung in der patriarchalischen Gesellschaft. Ihre Entscheidung, auf Jiddisch zu schreiben, war auch Teil ihres politischen Statements.

Wir laden Sie ein, diese Frauen mit bekannten und weniger bekannten Namen kennenzulernen, ihr Leben und Wirken kennenzulernen. Das Programm umfasst Gedichtrezitationen und musikalische Darbietungen von Texten von:

Mariya Alexeeva | Rivka Basman Ben-Hayim | Celia Dropkin | Irena Klepfisz | Rökhl H. Korn | Ana Margoline | Kadia Molodowsky | Miriam Ulinover | Debora Vogel

Die Veranstaltung wird organisiert von Yiddish.Berlin unter Beteiligung von:

Arnd Beck | Patrick Farell | Hilde Haberland | Sveta Kundisch | Katerina Kuznetsova | Anna Rosenfeld | Jordan Lee Schnee | Jake Schneider | Maria Stascherova

***Eintritt frei / Spenden willkommen***
2G+ (geimpft + aufgefrischt oder geimpft + negativer Test).

Gefördert durch die Ursula Lachnit-Fixson-Stiftung

In Partnerschaft mit PANDA platforma

Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren ist der Zutritt zu Veranstaltungen in PANDA platforma nur in Begleitung einer erziehungsbeauftragten oder personensorgeberechtigten Person in Verbindung mit jeweils einer gültigen Eintrittskarte gestattet. Grundlage: §5 JuSchG

We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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