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Daniil Adasinskiy With deep sorrow, we share the news that our friend and colleague, Daniel Adasinsky, has passed away. It is hard to find the right words - everything feels too dry, too imprecise. Since 2013, Daniel (Danya) has been actively involved in organizational work as a volunteer, technical administrator, and art director. From 2018 to 2024, he also served as the second chairperson of PANDA platforma. His contributions played a significant role in elevating the professionalism and quality of our work. Recently, he had been going through a difficult time, but we all hoped that a way forward would be found. The news of his passing came as a terrible shock to us. At this moment, it is impossible to make plans, to think about creativity, or to focus on work. Nothing will ever be the same again. We extend our sincere condolences to Danya’s wife, his family, and his friends....
Home Yegor Zabelov (Belarus)
Yegor Zabelov (Belarus)

Yegor Zabelov (Belarus)

by Sonya Birch

Yegor Zabelov is one of the most unique accordion players of Eastern Europe.

Zabelov devotes his work to exploring the possibilities of the instrument in which he specializes, often reaching its limits. In his hands, the accordion becomes a tool for creating mystical experiences, and performances take the form of a musical ritual.

Over the past few years, Zabelov has focused on his solo career. The musician is a frequent guest of European festivals.

Some of the highlights are Elevate Festival (AT), Les Nuits Botanique (BE), ESNS (NL), Europavox (FR), Fusion Festival (DE), Rudolstadt festival (DE), Moers festival (DE), Badentreffen festival (DE), Pop-Kultur (DE), Haldern Pop (DE), Malmö Sommarscen (SE), Valley of Art festival (HU), Vienna Accordion festival (AT), MENT (SI), Tallinn Music Week (EST), Music Meeting Nijmegen (NL), What’s Next in Music? (LT), B-Sides (Switzerland), United Islands of Prague (CZ), Akkordeon Akut Festival (DE), Festival Baignade Interdite (Rivieres/Toulouse FR), Skrzyzowanie Kultur (PL), Ethno Port (PL), Norpas (FI) etc.

„This accordionist who’ll likely hold a room in complete awe, like Colin Stetson can do when he’s in full swing, conjures saturated, haunting, intense soundscapes on his instrument. The live recordings we’ve heard thus far tear up all pre-conceptions of what an accordion-led band would sound like.” – Gigwise

“Zabelov finds a mindmap between traditional accordion playing and post-rave, beatless soundscapes. His music is a testament to the power of the imagination. No-one would imagine that making Aphex Twin-like ambient noises on an accordion was possible.” – Louder Than War



VVK (pre-sales) 10€ / AK (doors) 20€


Photo: Alexey Smyk

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