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Home Jazz & Experimental in Berlin – Label Nights 2019 #1
Jazz & Experimental in Berlin – Label Nights 2019 #1

Jazz & Experimental in Berlin – Label Nights 2019 #1

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

Trouble In The East Records presents:
Jazz & Experimental in Berlin – Label Nights 2019 #1

1) Matsch und Schnee & Bumm
Silke Eberhard – saxophone
Maike Hilbig – bass
Yuko Oshima – drums

2) Tribute To Sheep
Prune Bécheau – violin
Joel Grip – bass

3) Maniscalco / Bigoni / Solborg
Emanuele Maniscalco – piano
Francesco Bigoni – saxophone & clarinet
Mark Solborg – guitar

Trouble in the East Records is proud to announce the third edition of “Jazz and Experimental in Berlin – Label Nights 2019”.

“Jazz and experimental in Berlin” is a series of concerts conceived as a further realization of the label’s aim to represent music in which creativity and the element of improvisation are unifying and ubiquitous components of stylistically diverse realities. We avoid therefore to identificate with a particular genre or scene.

This mindset is well represented in this edition of the Label Nights in which, alongside most of the bands that recently collaborated with us, we involved a number of renowned guests to complete a program under the banner of multiplicity and inclusion.

On each of the four nights three small ensembles (ranging from solo to quartet) will alternate on stage, always creating a unique and fascinating combination of distinct sounds and approaches that bear the hallmark of individuality, sincerity and adventurousness.

Don’t miss out!


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We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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