Help Ukraine


by Sonya Birch

On this evening, Valentina Bellanova and Tamara Soldan present their 2 different solo performances as well as some works from their duo project VORTEX Ensemble.

In this atmospheric program, flutes, neys and other wind instruments are brought together with voices and medieval instruments such as fiddle and sinfonia and enriched by the use of loops and effect pedals. This creates a colorful musical mosaic of meditative and mystical sounds: from the Middle Ages to the contemporary, from north to south. Traditional pieces, Sufi and Gregorian hymns and original compositions live together in the same setting, creating a magical timeless atmosphere.

VORTEX is an Italian duo that made Mediterranean and Northern European music from the period explored between the 11th and 14th centuries and performed with typical instruments.

The focus of the ensemble is the desire to revive the diversity and vitality of an often underestimated musical epoch.


15€ AK (pre-sale) / 20€ AK (doors)

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We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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