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Home UP AND OUT // #PANDAjazz


by Sonya Birch


DJ Illvibe – turntables

Libero Mureddu – piano

Dag Magnus Narvesen – drums

Harri Sjöström – soprano & sopranino saxophones

Four distinct musical personalities, coming from four different countries, finding themselves together on stage in a quartet formation for the first time. The line up is exquisite – delightful what occurs in the extraordinary instrumental combination, but also in the potential of the players and the resulting tension – utilizing different genres of sonic language – constantly shifting focus between moods and soundscapes – the large arcs being developed require deep intuitive understanding of form and dynamics, which for these players is highly developed.

Harri Sjöström was born in Finland in 1952. Found his voice in the music on soprano and sopranino saxophones; participation in workshops by John Cage, George Russell and Bill Dixon, and to studied saxophone under Leo Wright and Steve Lacy; worked with many of the leading musicians in the European contemporary improvised music scene.

DJ Illvibe, whose real name is Vincent von Schlippenbach, was born in Berlin in 1980 as the son of free jazz pianist Alexander von Schlippenbach. He is still rooted in the jazz scene. At age 14, Illvibe, who learned several instruments during his childhood, started DJ-ing. As a hip hop DJ, he learned how to make the records dance to his will, but it quickly became clear to him that he wanted to get more out of the black discs than demanding scratching tricks.

Dag Magnus Narvesen, born in 1983, is a drummer, percussionist and composer who is mainly working in the field of improvised and contemporary music. He emerged from the diverse and renowned jazz scene of Norway. He has acquired a reputation as a highly skilled drummer and a trusted musical collaborator. Narvesen has a very strong compositional foundation in his improvisational work, and with resolute sensitivity, he soulfully brings both melodic and harmonic qualities to his dynamic drum playing.

Libero Mureddu is a pianist, improviser, composer and music technologist based in Helsinki, Finland. Born in Milan in 1975 and based in Helsinki since 2003, he has studied composition at the Conservatory “G. Verdi” of Milan and music technology at the Centre for Music and Technology, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki. A versatile musician, during the past twenty years his musical experiences in the European scene have ranged from contemporary and experimental music, to jazz and popular music.


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