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Home “The Earth is Blue as an Orange” (UA, 2020): charity screening + Q&A with the director Iryna Tsilyk
“The Earth is Blue as an Orange” (UA, 2020): charity screening + Q&A with the director Iryna Tsilyk

“The Earth is Blue as an Orange” (UA, 2020): charity screening + Q&A with the director Iryna Tsilyk

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

…How much power can art have in a wartime?

On Sat., November 5th, PANDA platforma presents a special screening of the award-winning documentary by the Ukrainan director Iryna Tsilyk: “The Earth is Blue as an Orange” (“Земля блакитна, ніби апельсин”).

74 min., OmeU (in Ukrainian with English subtitles)

The event will take place in the presence of the director of the film, Iryna Tsilyk, who will be available for the audience’s questions after the screening.

FREE ENTRY or donations for supporting aid organizations helping Ukrainian people.

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THE EARTH IS BLUE AS AN ORANGE (Ukraine / Lithuania, 2020)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began back in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbas coalfields.

Single mother Hanna and her four children live in the front-line war zone of Donbas, Ukraine. While the outside world is made up of bombings and chaos, the family is managing to keep their home as a safe haven, full of life and full of light. Every member of the family has a passion for cinema, motivating them to shoot a film inspired by their own life during a time of war. The creative process raises the question of what kind of power the magical world of cinema could have during times of disaster. How to picture war through fiction? For Hanna and the children, transforming trauma into a work of art is the ultimate way to stay human.

Iryna Tsilyk, director

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