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Home THE BALKAN PROJECT presented by Twin Flames Ensemble
THE BALKAN PROJECT presented by Twin Flames Ensemble

THE BALKAN PROJECT presented by Twin Flames Ensemble

by Yulia
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After last year’s mind-blowing concert, the Twin Flames Ensemble is re-assembling “The Balkan Project” for an early spring night of polyphonic songs and dances from Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Armenia, and Romani music. Come to dance to traditional Greek and Balkan hits as well as rare jewels of traditional music, enjoying the delicacy and the force of the full band.

“Music is an incredible force, that unites. It is something that people who disagree on everything and anything else may have in common. It is the most powerful form of magic.”

Twin Flames Ensemble (aka Maroulita de Kol and Penelope Gkika) have been working together for more than a decade, researching and reinterpreting the stories and musical material of Greek traditional music. The Balkan Project derived from their most fascinating journey during the spring of 2022, a research of the common ground between traditional Greek music and the music of the neighboring countries (Italy, Turkey, and the Balkans) presented throughout three concerts. For every concert, amazing musicians were invited to support them in this endeavor. The project celebrates the belief that tradition is a living organism that grows and evolves based on cultural dialogue, which empowers the idea of community and encourages a sense of togetherness.

Maroulita de Kol | Voice
Penelope Gkika | Violin, Voice
Ira Shiran | Accordion
Deniz Mahir Kartal | Kaval, Clarinet, Duduk
Michael Glucksmann | El. Bass
Hogir Göregen | Davul, Percussion
curated by Twin Flames Ensemble | Penelope Gkika, Maroulita de Kol

Photo by Alkistis Kafetzi

[Tickets] 15 € online / 20 € on the event nights (50% off for students and welfare recipients,  with a presentation of proof).

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