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теплота + logs

теплота + logs

by Sonya Birch

теплота is the London-based duo of Grundik Kasyansky & Tom Wheatley. Their work interrogates the haptic, social and liberating relationships with technologies old and new; using feedback synthesizer and computer-acoustic bass, they fuse a spontaneous interplay orthogonally over cyclical structures, with techno as perpetual fulcrum.

Following their debut HEAT/WORK on Cafe OTO’s TakuRoku label and the monthly ЭС research series, Skynned was released in early 2023 on Accidental Meetings. Half techno, half free jazz, the music is both hypnotic and open-ended, relentless and ephemeral.

+ logs

Logs is an experimental electronic audio-visual duo of Dasha Zvezdin and Andrey Guryanov. They combine and reimagine their experience in sound art, visual art, modern classical music (Dasha is MMus), cinematic composing, and sound design (Andrey has a master’s in cinematic sound). All the mediums are blended in order to create a window into another sonic dimension. Logs primarily use free-improvisation, that becomes a shared tool and method of approaching the sound. Logs create sonic situations, where sound events have autonomy from each other, coexisting as a system, representing an idea of contemporary diverse informational reality.

Informational density of their music encourages a listener to choose personal points of focus and actively build a perceptional area out of multiple existing layers, developing principles of contemporary info-sphere consumption.



10€ VVK (pre-sale) / 15€ AK (doors)

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