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Home TEL:L II, multilingual readings in stolen or forgotten native languages
TEL:L II, multilingual readings in stolen or forgotten native languages

TEL:L II, multilingual readings in stolen or forgotten native languages

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

Poetry in forgotten and stolen native languages, stories of losing native cultures.

More than 200 ethnic groups live on the territory that was once called ussr until it broke more than 30 years ago. Still, around 185 ethnic groups live in the territory of modern russia with more than 100 languages spoken, and still, the traces of ussr and russian colonialism lead to many people in former ussr territories forgetting or not learning their native languages and speaking mostly russian. This also results in many indigenous peoples investing into russophone literature, while the literature in their languages is at risk of extinction.

For the second TEL:L laboratory (in collaboration with Totschka library) Dinara Rasuleva brought together people who have been mostly writing in russian instead of their native languages and encourage them to gain their language and culture back and start enriching the indigenous peoples poetry and prose, which is now in different shapes depending on a culture — from almost non-existing to very limited and mostly patriarchal and/or russian-propagandistic.

We want to regain our languages and our literature and start creating queer, feminist, anti-imperialist literature in our native languages.

Come and listen to the stories of people coming from many different cultures and their translingual poetry and prose.


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