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Home POSTPONED: Shtetl Berlin Stands with Ukraine
POSTPONED: Shtetl Berlin Stands with Ukraine

POSTPONED: Shtetl Berlin Stands with Ukraine

by Sonya Birch


We are heartbroken and horrified by the news from Ukraine we’ve seen in the past weeks. Not only is Ukraine the historical birthplace of many important writers, musicians, and cultural movements of our transnational Yiddishland, it is also the present home to many precious family members, friends, colleagues and collaborators. Your Shtetl Berlin team have all spent much time in that beautiful country, and it is very dear to us. It has been very difficult to witness what has been happening there, and to hear and read the words of our community there.

We are worried about our friends in Ukraine, and, like many of you, have spent these past weeks doing what we can to assist them and the rest of the millions of people who are struggling to flee, care for their families, or just survive these terrible days. We encourage you all to help whomever you can in whatever way you can. Please don’t stand on the sidelines.
And please join us and the good people at P.A.N.D.A. Kulturplatform in the Kulturbrauerei on Friday, 11 March at 20:00 for a concert to benefit Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin e.V. (, who are doing great work finding ways to bring medical help and medicines to people in Ukraine. 100% of the proceeds from this event will go directly to assist them in their work.
Shtetl Berlin stands with Ukraine.
Ні війні.
Нет войне.
No to war.


VVK: 12€

AK: 15€

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Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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