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RE: 2NITE // #PANDAjazz

RE: 2NITE // #PANDAjazz

by Sonya Birch

RE: 2NITE // #PANDAjazz

Mia Dyberg – alto sax

Brad Henkel – trumpet

Antti Virtaranta – bass

Sofia Borges – drums


“Re: 2nite” is a new Berlin-based quartet, using improvisation and compositions and intertwining them to create a journey to the many rhythms and movements of the city. The trumpet and alto saxophone weave intricate and playful melodies that harmonize and dizzy the listener, while the bass and drums pound pulses that reassure of a rhythmic organization and then break it apart. This all turns upside down like the chaos of rush hour, when the horns rattle and pop creating a carpet of percussive noises. The drums become a sweeping texture of metallic sounds, all while the bass whirls into a circular calm universe. The next corner reveals a hypnotizing dance party, construction site or the wind rustling the leaves of trees in a city park.

“Re: 2nite” embraces and plays around with this kind of imagery in their music and bring the audience along the journey.




Photo: Ignatenkov

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