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Home PAUL BRODY & KONRAD BOGEN (Berlin/USA) – Random Fragment Loops
PAUL BRODY & KONRAD BOGEN (Berlin/USA) – Random Fragment Loops

PAUL BRODY & KONRAD BOGEN (Berlin/USA) – Random Fragment Loops

by Sonya Birch

#PANDAglobal #PANDAyiddish

Paul Brody: trumpet, story telling
Konrad Bogen: piano

Inspired from a passage from a Josef Roth essay about a melody fragment that travels through Berlin, Paul Brody and Konrad Bogen will improvise with tunes that they heard while wondering around the city, found in trash bins, or were left in boxes after flee markets closed. While Brody plays trumpet and tells stories based on the uprooted melodies, Konrad will expand his brilliant piano harmony into live loops mysteriously rising from a speaker hidden under the piano.

The program will be done in English.
Funded by Musicboard


Online ticket: 9€ incl. pre sale fee
On site (Abendkasse): 12€

:: BIO ::

Paul Brody studied trumpet, composition, and poetry at Boston University and the New England Conservatory of Music. He has lived in Berlin for over twenty years.

As a composer and solo artist, much of Brody’s work is with John Zorn for the Tzadik label. After three CDs exploring the cross roads of klezmer and jazz, Brody produced two albums for Enja Records. Brody’s 2014  album, Behind All Words (Hinter allen Worten), won the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik Bestenliste.

In the last 15 years Brody has extended  his composing concepts to sound installation and radio art, which mostly explores the world between music and spoken word. Some of his most notable works are Inside Webern (Boulez Saal Berlin), Five Vocal Pieces  (Jewish Museum Berlin), Art  Accompanying Noise (Gorki Theater), Five Families Listening (Transmediale Festival) and The Music of Yiddish Blessings and Curses (Canadian Language Museum).  Brody’s Artist in Residence sound installation at the Munich Kammerspiele,Singing Melody/Talking Story, which explores the qualities of aria and recitative in ordinary language, has been featured on the Deutschlandfunk sound art series and at the Prix Europa Broadcasting Festival. Most of Brody’s experimental documentary work has been produced for WDR. The Jewish Museum Frankfurt’s contemporary space will feature Brody’s Heterophonic Language Forest in their permanent collection.

As a theater composer and performer, Brody has worked with the San Francisco Repertory Ballet, New York Harlem Opera Ensemble, Schaubuehne Berlin, Radial System, Muenchen Kammerspiele, and Burgtheater Vienna, and Maison de la Culture in Bobigny, Paris, Vidy Theater Switzerland. The next projects are a stage Verlin of Alan Ginsberg’s poem, Howl, for the Volkbuehne and an opera for the Opéra National de Lorraine.

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