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Nikola Irmer: Behind the scenes // Exhibition

Nikola Irmer: Behind the scenes // Exhibition

by Dana Bondarenko
05/04/23 - 15/05/23

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei), 10435 Berlin

Nikola Irmer: Behind the scenes

Exhibition: 05.04 .- 15.05. // Panel discussion: 20.04.

Nikola Irmer’s exhibition “Behind the scenes” continues a series of experimental exhibitions at PANDA platforma.

Nikola has been exploring the theme of natural history collections all over Europe for many years. Mysterious museums’ storage spaces that are usually closed to the general public are places where she often starts her artistic research. Made with a claim to being lifelike, the taxidermy animals are looking back at the artist and consequently at us. “Personally, I feel watched”, as Nikola describes it in one of the interviews. By painting these historical specimens the artist is giving them “a place in which they can live on”. Much like a taxidermist, she is building her pictures out of innumerable tiny elements, joining together artificial parts to create something that can give an illusion of life.

In PANDA Nikola will show oil sketches that were made directly on-site and serve as preliminary studies for larger paintings. These fascinating works have a spontaneous and open character and literally show the process of observing and thinking. Color studies and notes will enrich the experience even further. On the 20th of April, a special event will be held in PANDA: we will have a chance to learn more about Nikola Irmer’s work and possibly even get a virtual glimpse into her studio.

German painter Nikola Irmer has exhibited her work in numerous prestigious art institutions in the US and throughout Europe. She currently lives and works in Berlin (and Graz).

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Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
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