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Home Mind the crap // Brendan Hickey & Ori Halevy // free entry
Mind the crap // Brendan Hickey & Ori Halevy // free entry

Mind the crap // Brendan Hickey & Ori Halevy // free entry

by Sonya Birch

We live in a time where it is more important to pretend to be a good person than actually being one, words have become weapons in a moral war between spoiled people from all over the globe, which gives rise to ass holes who believe people like trump at least “tells is like it is” and then the countless news channels latch on and feed us endless bullshit about every possible topic that supposed to make us scared to leave the house, and even then probably best to get a gun! Mix all that with conspiracy YouTube videos and social media bios and you got the insane landscape we live in today!

In come Brendan Hickey and Ori Halevy, what do they know? Nothing, But at least they admit it! Come watch them attempt to plow through the endless bullshit plaguing our mind on a daily basis and make fun of it, until we all laugh (or cry) but at least we will be in it together 🙂

Brendan Hickey is an Irish stand-up comedian with a master’s in philosophy that runs many successful shows in the Berlin English comedy scene.

Ori Halevy is a standup comedian and a well known TV and cinema writer from Israel that has had a deep inside look on the BS that’s being shoveled up our ass and is here to tell you all about it.

With 2 surprise guests spots that will do 7 minutes each, and free shots at the door to help you forget about your troubles, this will be a night to remember, and hold on to, before you go back to the crazy world we live in.

Is gonna be funnnnnn.


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Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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