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Home Love is Love // Lola Camomilla & BroKolya
Love is Love // Lola Camomilla & BroKolya

Love is Love // Lola Camomilla & BroKolya

by Sonya Birch

Love is Love
Laugh is Laugh
Drag is Drag
Bro is Kolya
Lola is Lola

“Love is Love” – one-time drag show-manifesto for diversity, human rights, against dictatorships and patriarchy.

Drag king BroKolya (@palakapala) and drag diva Lola Camomilla (@lollacamomilla) invite you to celebrate with them their first anniversary on the drag-stage in Berlin.

Lola and BroKolya prepared a great programme! They invited drag friends with whom they have performed on the same stages during this year. Other invited drag performers are those with whom Lola and BroKolja would dream of sharing the stage. Get ready to spend this empowering drag evening together and dance along with us!

Performers list*:

– Raki Solale (inst – @raki_solale)
– Hermes (inst – @katstaub)
– HP Loveshaft (
– Schisandra Who (inst – @schisandra.who)
– Instant Noodle
– Dark Diamond
– Captain Flow
– Meshrashi (DJ)

* the list will be expanded

By the way: this is the first drag show at the program of PANDA Platforma 💕


[ TICKETS ] : pre sales 11€ / doors 15€


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We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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