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Home LOST IN THE WOODS // An absurd comedy for all ages (6+)
LOST IN THE WOODS // An absurd comedy for all ages (6+)

LOST IN THE WOODS // An absurd comedy for all ages (6+)

by Sonya Birch
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Hawk & Hill presents: LOST IN THE WOODS

Written and performed by Hila Meckier & Arran R Hawkins

#PANDAkids #PANDAtheatre

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“Once upon a time, a little girl and a little boy were lost in the woods”…

That is usually how these things start.

Only this time it seems they are not only lost in the woods, but within their own story!

An absurd comedy for all ages (6+), Hawk and Hill theatre bring a new twist to the fairytales you know and love. With buckets full of imagination, and oodles of laughter, Arran Hawkins (UK) and Hila Meckier (Israel) combine their decades of theatrical experience into a fun-filled family theatrical performance you don’t want to miss!

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In English

Duration: 45 mins


Online: 7€
On site: 10€

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