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Home Live Looping Trip 2 – from Darkness to..?
Live Looping Trip 2 – from Darkness to..?

Live Looping Trip 2 – from Darkness to..?

by Sonya Birch

Live Looping Trip – from Darkness to..?

Three artists, two digital loop stations, one goal – to process recent global events and present an emotional outcome in the form of an audiovisual performance. From the relative comparison perspective, one can say that the dark ages are behind us, and we are now living in the most prosperous and peaceful time in human history, but does it really feel this way? Recent global pandemic, current shameful war against Ukraine, unprecedented climate crisis, growing social inequality and the rise of autocratic regimes: all those may raise the question: are we paving our way into a brighter future or taking one last step up before collapsing into darkness?

Live Looping Trip – from Darkness to..? is an experimental electroacoustic performance concepted by three artists: Alexey Kochetkov aka 5 String Theory (violin and electronics), Jerzy Maczynski (saxophone and electronics) and Katarzyna Debska aka Velvet Fog (Visual art). It will take place at PANDA platforma Berlin, which actively supports the victims of the war in Ukraine. The performance will combine original compositions and improvisations for acoustic instruments and digital loop machines and visual art.

Alexey Kochetkov is a violinist, composer and music producer of wide stylistic versatility. He studied violin in Smolensk College of Music and composition in Jerusalem Music Academy. Now Kochetkov is living and working in Berlin, Germany. 5 String Theory is one of his two leading projects in which he explores violin and computer symbiosis.

Kochetkov has composed music for several films and theater performances of the renown director Amos Gitai and toured with the acclaimed Australian circus group Gravity & Other Myths. Kochetkov’s multidisciplinary performance “Classical Dreams in a Digital Age” was premiered as an official reopening program of Ballhaus Wedding on 3 February 2022.

Jerzy Maczynski – Polish saxophonist, composer and music producer.

From an early age, he was educated in music schools in the fields of jazz and classical music. A graduate of the Academy of Music in Wrocław, he spent the last year of undergraduate studies on a scholarship in Denmark, where he perfected his music skills at Syddanskmusikkonservatorium. In 2018, he began his master’s studies at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in the field of contemporary music performance.

The founder and the leader of the project “Jerry & The Pelican System” – In 2019, he released the debut album with the same name in the most prestigious Jazz series in Poland called Polish Jazz.

In 2021, he released the electronic LP Jerry&ThePelicanSystem SARIANI in dutch label Yeyeh, where from then on he also shows himself as a solo performer.

One of the most important projects was also a Jerry&ThePelicanSystem virtual tour where, during 7 episodes recorded in an abandoned Soviet swimming pool, Jerry invited over 30 artists from all over the world to cooperate.

In his career so far he played on many national and international stages, including: London Jazz Festival, Jazz Jantar, Dwa Brzegi Festival, NCPA Mumbai Experimental Stage , Habitat Center in New Delhi, Jazz nad Odra and many more.

Katarzyna Dębska is an audiovisual artist and scenographer from Warsaw, Poland. She works with space, moving image and live visuals.

Graduated at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (BA Stage and Costume Design) and Central Saint Martins/University of the Arts in London (MA Performance Design and Practice). She continued the theoretical aspect of her research at Kolegium Artes Liberales of Warsaw University.

In her practice she tries to find a way to incorporate moving image and spatial thinking about new media to a performance, referring to her set design experiences, which is why the relationships between body, object, space and sound are the key element of her works. With help of these tools she reflects on the social and individual experience of the reality of a progressive digitisation and changes in the definition of participation, systems of control and a concept of the image’s consumption, as well as often coming back to a theme of political impact on the natural environment and social conditions. She took part in projects shown in Poland and abroad.



DOORS (AK): 15€

Part of the proceeds will be donated to support Ukrainian refugees.

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