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Home Lesbian Visibility Day // by EQUAL PostOst
Lesbian Visibility Day // by EQUAL PostOst

Lesbian Visibility Day // by EQUAL PostOst

by Yulia

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

16:00 Discussion “Lesbians under a totalitarian regime”
Women’s history often remains invisible, especially in times of crisis. For example, under Nazism, female sexuality was not considered separately from male sexuality, and therefore gay men were persecuted, and lesbian women were simply “assigned” to “normal” men – they were forced into marriages. Lesbians were still sent to concentration camps for their so-called “antisocial behavior”, so it is very difficult to identify their stories and find evidence. As a result, the opinion arises that lesbians “suffered less,” and there is still no memorial dedicated to them in Germany, and there was even a long discussion about whether to include them in the Berlin memorial to homosexual people killed during the Nazi time.

Unfortunately, other countries are going through a repressive process towards LGBT+ people now. That is why it is so important to learn about the German experience to understand what happened and discuss how this experience could help in the situation in Russia and other countries.

19:00 Concert
Artists and performers will be announced soon.

[Admission] donations
[Organizer] EQUAL PostOst

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