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Home Judelman’s Klezmer Kompanye
Judelman’s Klezmer Kompanye

Judelman’s Klezmer Kompanye

by Sonya Birch

Judelman’s Klezmer Kompanye:

Craig Judelman (USA/DE) – Violin, Vocals

Zoë Aqua (USA)– Violin

Shaun Williams (USA/Romania) – Cymbalom, Accordion

Sasha Lurje (Latvia) – vocals, drum mic

Bob Cohen (Humgary/USA) – Violin, Mandolin, Vocals

Daria Fomina (Ukraine) – Flute

Earthy, drone-y, soulful and funky – Judelman’s Klezmer Kompanye is a new band featuring top klezmer musicians from Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Germany and the USA. Specializing in the rare older klezmer style played mostly on string instruments, this new band led by Berlin-based fiddler Craig Judelman shows the richness of Ashkenazi Jewish music, from rare regional dance tunes to religious and popular songs. After years of research, travel and late nights with just a fiddle and a bottle, this band brings to the stage music that is loud, proud and ready to party!


VVK (Online): 10€

AK (doors): 15€

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We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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