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Home CANCELLED: Irina Drozd / Ирина Дрозд: “Где цвел? Когда? Какой весною? И долго ль цвел? И сорван кем?”
CANCELLED: Irina Drozd / Ирина Дрозд: “Где цвел? Когда? Какой весною? И долго ль цвел? И сорван кем?”

CANCELLED: Irina Drozd / Ирина Дрозд: “Где цвел? Когда? Какой весною? И долго ль цвел? И сорван кем?”

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

“Where did it bloom? When? What spring? And for how long did it bloom? And plucked by whom?”

Artist Irina Drozd received art education in Russia, Germany and France. She is the participant of about fifty exhibitions, her works are stored in museums and private collections in Russia, Europe and the United States. In the Panda platform in Berlin Irina shows an exhibition called “Where was the flower? When? What spring? And how long did it bloom? And plucked by whom?”.

The exhibition shows four works connected by one theme.

It is an eternal theme. Both by the frequency with which artists address it and by the fact that it is about time. The exhibition loops the passing of time and beauty.

The artist examines her characters, exploring what happens to them with age, which, though it changes the dazzling brilliance of beauty, preserves it, translates it into another form.

Irina Drozd’s artistic gesture keeps the time cycle in balance, when a person in old age returns to himself as a youth or a child, when human sexuality is transformed and acquires new, unhurried and peaceful forms, when a person is able to discover a state of pure happiness at any age.

The artist’s notions of sexuality that is powerful in youth, but whose flow in confusion and inexperience awkwardly dissipates, and in old age, is preserved but painlessly inapplicable, prove to be a breakthrough. “A body is given to me – what shall I do with it?” accompanies the thoughts of children and adults alike.

Irina presents her characters, who are of different ages, with pink lotus flowers.

These blossoming flowers from distant lands remain in the memory and life, an awareness of himself remains with the person too, and the acceptance of himself in the beginning, and always.

The exhibition opens on March 1 at 7pm and will run until April 1.

Curator: Dr. Nikolai Ivanov

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Free entry (2G+)

Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren ist der Zutritt zu Veranstaltungen in PANDA platforma nur in Begleitung einer erziehungsbeauftragten oder personensorgeberechtigten Person in Verbindung mit jeweils einer gültigen Eintrittskarte gestattet. Grundlage: §5 JuSchG

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