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Home Incense of Music Festival // Incense of Music Nr. 39
Incense of Music Festival // Incense of Music Nr. 39

Incense of Music Festival // Incense of Music Nr. 39

by Dana Bondarenko

Dina Bolshakova, cello
Bakr Khleifi, oud
Daniel Schroeteler, drums
Mevan Younes, bouzuki

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Dina Bolshakova was born in Tomsk, Russia. In 1992 she received her first violoncello lessons at a music school, from 2001 to 2005 she studied at the St. Petersburg Music College. Dina continued her education at the UdK Berlin. As a soloist as well as a chamber musician, the cellist has repeatedly won prizes in national and international competitions. She played as a soloist, among others, the cello concerto by A. Dvorak with the Baden-Baden Philharmonic and the Samara Philharmonic, Emil Hartmann’s Cello Concerto with Havel Symphoniker (December 2014, Berlin).

Bakr Khleifi studied Oud with Prof Ahmad El Khatib in Sweden. He studied double bass with Nabil Shehata, first double bass player of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Bakr Khleifi graduated from the University of Gothenburg in 2012. At the early age of twelve he was already invited to perform with the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra founded by Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim. He became member of the orchestra in 2008. He presented his first Solo Oud Concert at the University of Gothenburg in May 2012.

Daniel Schröteler (born August 17, 1974 in Düren) is a German jazz drummer. Schröteler, who was given a first drum at the age of five, studied jazz at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Arnhem University of Arts) from 1990 to 1997. Since 2003 he works as a freelance musician. Schröteler is a member of various bands, such as the Christian-Weidner-Trio, the Henning-Berg-Quartet, the Werner-Neumann-Quartet, the Matthias-Haus-Ensembles and the groups Supdiver (with Niels Klein, Frank Wingold and Dietmar Fuhr), TITZ (by Christoph Titz) and Talking Jazz (with Till Brönner, Dieter Ilg, Charlie Mariano and Martin Sasse).

Mevan Younes (Buzuq) studied at the Conservatoire in Damascus with the Azerbaijan professor Askar Ali Akbar and specialized in Buzuq. He has performed extensively in Syria and abroad and is co-founder of a music group with a focus on music traditional Syrian music. After his escape Mevan is in EuropeConcert tour in Denmark with the project „Syrisk Kulturkaravane“ (2015) -concert in the Berlin Philharmonic with piano and percussion accompaniment (2015) -Solo piece with accompaniment of the Youth Symphony Orchestra Bremen (2015).

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