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Home Flonks: Mathieu Bech/Joan Chavez/Johannes Pfingsten | #PANDAjazz
Flonks: Mathieu Bech/Joan Chavez/Johannes Pfingsten | #PANDAjazz

Flonks: Mathieu Bech/Joan Chavez/Johannes Pfingsten | #PANDAjazz

by Dana Bondarenko

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei), 10435 Berlin


Flonks, there is nothing more to say.

If necessary: Drums, piano, bass. Three instrumentalists, three musicians, even more ideas.

Work and structure on the one hand, the power of chaos on the other.

No fear of nothing, everything is possible.

Free improvised music, free of any dogma. It only has to be good.

Mathieu Bech – piano
Joan Chavez – bass
Johannes Pfingsten – drums

Free entry. Donations are welcome!
Eintritt frei. Um Spenden wird gebeten.

We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |