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Home FAR : Alexeï Aïgui / Pablo Nemirovsky / Eric Jacot
FAR : Alexeï Aïgui / Pablo Nemirovsky / Eric Jacot

FAR : Alexeï Aïgui / Pablo Nemirovsky / Eric Jacot

by Sonya Birch

Alexeï Aïgui — violin

Pablo Nemirovsky — bandoneon

Eric Jacot — double bass

FAR is a new, Paris-created formation of three representatives of different countries and cultures.

The rocking energy of Alexeï Aïgui’s violin, the subtle and passionate bandoneon of Pablo Nemirovsky, and the jazz double bass of Eric Jacot will take the audience on a journey between Europe and Argentina.

The musicians know each other from various projects in France, but this will be the first time they’ll perform in a trio together.

Composer and violinist Alexeï Aïgui is the author of the soundtracks to the films of Cannes-awarded director Hirokazu Kore-eda and Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck; the creator of the 4’33” ensemble and many other projects.

The composer and bandoneonist Pablo Nemirovski from Buenos Aires, creator of Tierra del Fuego, who has played with such musicians as le Cuarteto Cedrón, La Típica de Juan Cedrón, Celestrial Communication Orchestra d’Alan Silva, Juan José Mosalini and Anga Diaz (Buena Vista Social Club).

The third trio member is the double bassist Eric Jacot, known for his work with Didier Lockwood, Manu Codjia, Pierre de Bethmann, and Bruno Angelini. Jacot plays for many years in Mina Agossi’s trio.


pre-sales 25€ / doors 30€

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