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Home ELSA – JUMP! Album Release
ELSA – JUMP! Album Release

ELSA – JUMP! Album Release

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstraße 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei), 10435 Berlin


Elsa Steixner – vox
Julian Bazzanella – piano
Jakob Lang – double bass
Daniel Louis – drums


ELSA ist die vierköpfige Band rund um Sängerin Elsa Steixner. Beim Jazzstudium in Wien und  den Niederlanden gegründet, ist die Band seit 2022 international aktiv. ELSA ist hungrig mit  Neugier: Mut, Angst, Sehnsucht und Chaos. Auf Wildheit folgt unermessliche Zärtlichkeit.  Man möchte sich hineinlegen in ihre Musik; aufgehoben, getröstet und liebkost. Wie unter  Wasser, ein paar Atemzüge lang.

Geprägt von der Dringlichkeit von KünstlerInnen wie Nina Simone und Abdullah Ibrahim  sowie die kompositorische Vielfalt und Raffinesse von SongwriterInnen wie Paul Simon und  Joni Mitchell, entsteht ein Fundament aus Jazz, Folk und RnB, aus dem sich die eigenwilligen,  stets einladenden Kompositionen der Band ELSA entwickeln. Dieses Aufgreifen von Tradition,  kombiniert mit einem neugierigen und aufmerksamen Blick auf die Gegenwart, verleiht der  Musik eine Zeitlosigkeit, ohne ihre Aktualität zu schmälern.

Nach dem fast ausschließlich akustischen Debütalbum A Day on solid Ground (2023), das  sich vor allem durch seine Klarheit und Ruhe auszeichnet, präsentiert die Band mit ihrem  zweiten Album JUMP! einen neuen, versierten Sound, der eine Vielzahl an Farbfacetten  bietet; Freiere Songstrukturen, eine große dynamische Bandbreite, so wie ein stärkerer Fokus auf Rhythmus und Groove schaffen ein Album voller eigenwilliger, stets einladender  Kompositionen.

„ELSA easily takes you by the hand through a multitude of emotions, from sorrow to  exuberant joy, spanning a spectrum from introspection to wandering curiosity.”  Michiel Braam (Head of ArtEZ Conservatory Arnhem, Pianist & Composer)  


2024// Auftrittsstipendium durch die Werner Richard – Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung (DE)  2024// Preisträgerband Sparda Jazz Award (DE)

2024// Preisträgerband Summerjazz Pinneberg (DE)

2024// Start-Stipendium für Musik und darstellende Kunst durch das BMKOES (AT)  2023// Nominierung für den holländischen Newcomer Preis Heij Konijn Award (NL)  2023// Popronde 2023 (NL)

2022// 1. Platz Viersen Jazzband Challenge (DE)


“Listening to ELSA’s music, you get the feeling as if you’re taken by the hand by a long-lost friend, bringing you back to yourself. Her songs interweave personal stories, feelings and reflections in a way that resemble the work of Joni Mitchell in lyricism and in the spirited performance of Nina Simone. Take a good look around in the audience during an ELSA performance. It’s not surprising to catch most people with closed eyes, smiling. It can be regarded as an achievement how Elsa and her tightknit ensemble of musicians are able to transfer their soulful and authentic performance unto a wide audience, from one to a hundred years old.” Jetse de Jong (Pianist & Composer)


“The combination of refined and elegant songwriting, a great band and a mesmerizing and accomplished singer who means every word she sings, touches my heart deeply every time. And looking around me…..I’m not the only one!” Izaline Calister (Singer-Songwriter, Edison winner)




Eintritt: 15 Euro Online / 20 Euro Abendkasse



Elsa Steixner – vocals
Julian Bazzanella – piano
Jakob Lang – double bass
Daniel Louis – drums


ELSA is a four-piece band led by vocalist Elsa Steixner, driven by an insatiable curiosity.  Courage, fear, longing, and chaos- their music flows from raw wildness to boundless  tenderness. It’s music you want to immerse yourself in, feeling held, comforted, and  embraced—as if underwater, for just a few breaths.

After their mostly acoustic debut album A Day on Solid Ground, known for its clarity and  calmness, the band presents a new, versatile sound on their second album JUMP!. With  freer song structures, a wider dynamic range, and a stronger focus on rhythm and groove,  they create an album full of unique yet always inviting compositions

Influenced by the urgency of artists like Nina Simone and Abdullah Ibrahim and the  compositional range and sophistication of songwriters like Paul Simon and Joni Mitchell,  ELSA’s sound is built on a foundation of jazz, folk, and RnB. With this embrace of tradition  combined with a curious and attentive perspective on the present, the band is creating a  sense of timelessness while remaining deeply current.


„ELSA easily takes you by the hand through a multitude of emotions, from sorrow to  exuberant joy, spanning a spectrum from introspection to wandering curiosity.”  Michiel Braam (Head of ArtEZ Conservatory Arnhem, Pianist & Composer)  



2024 // Performance grant from the Werner Richard – Dr. Carl Dörken Foundation (DE) 2024 // Winner of the Sparda Jazz Award (DE)

2024 // Winner of the Summerjazz Pinneberg Award (DE)

2024 // Start Grant for Music and Performing Arts by the BMKOES (AT) 2023 // Nomination for the Dutch Newcomer Heij Konijn Award (NL)

2023 // Popronde 2023 (NL)

2022 // Winner at the Viersen Jazzband Challenge (DE)


“Listening to ELSA’s music, you get the feeling as if you’re taken by the hand by a long-lost friend, bringing you back to yourself. Her songs interweave personal stories, feelings and reflections in a way that resemble the work of Joni Mitchell in lyricism and in the spirited performance of Nina Simone. Take a good look around in the audience during an ELSA performance. It’s not surprising to catch most people with closed eyes, smiling. It can be regarded as an achievement how Elsa and her tightknit ensemble of musicians are able to transfer their soulful and authentic performance unto a wide audience, from one to a hundred years old.” Jetse de Jong (Pianist & Composer)


“The combination of refined and elegant songwriting, a great band and a mesmerizing and accomplished singer who means every word she sings, touches my heart deeply every time. And looking around me…..I’m not the only one!” Izaline Calister (Singer-Songwriter, Edison winner)




Admission: 15 Euro online / 20 Euro doors

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