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Home Chattermark (Norway) | #PANDAjazz
Chattermark (Norway) | #PANDAjazz

Chattermark (Norway) | #PANDAjazz

by Dana Bondarenko

PANDA Platforma
Knaackstraße 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei), 10435 Berlin

The Norwegian noise drone duo Chattermark (John Lilja – electric bass and effects and Gunhild Seim – trumpet and effects) create impressive soundscapes and walls of sound. Lilja and Seim formed the duo out of a desire to expand and transform their sound through the use of effects and advanced techniques, creating something both massive and minimalist. How well they succeeded, can be heard in their self-titled first album, which was released by Drollehålå Records in September 2022 and is, among others, reminiscent of the music of Sunn 0))), Anthony Pateras and Franz Hautzinger.

As a part of the Chattermark performance in Berlin at PANDA platforma, we’ll see the works by visual artists Signe Christine Urdal and Jon Garcia DePresno, including the piece Mycelium, a meditation on the forest in which Urdal and Seim explore the relationship between nature and humans.

Kindly supported by: Norsk Kulturråd, Music Norway and City of Stavanger.



We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |