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Baba Dunyah

Baba Dunyah

by Sonya Birch

BABA DUNYAH is back. After years of collecting recipies from the secret kitchens of Latvian Native Noise, Sri Lankish Speed Bassdrums and weird rhythms in the lower frequency range from Usbekistan, they now return to Panda with a mix of Gabber, Experimental Object Theatre Operetta and Fictional Hip Hop. Theatre Composers and freelance underground musicians Anton Berman and Kostia Rapoport present their playful, electronic performative live-act that has traveled from the White Sea to Israel (via Treptower Park) and has performed at many theatres and festivals (i.a. Volksbühne Berlin, Maxim Gorki Theater, Fusion Festival, Klangtherapie..)

Be prepared to shake, dance and boil like elasticity-on-demand-spaghetti!

[ TICKETS ] : 10€ pre-sales (VVK) / 15€ doors (AK)

photo by Roman Ekimov

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