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3H Company + Est Est Est

3H Company + Est Est Est

by Yulia


Unfortunately, Ilya Baramia will not be able to participate in the concert due to unforeseen circumstances. We know that many of you were looking forward to seeing him on stage, and we share your disappointment. We hope that nothing will prevent Ilya from returning to PANDA in the future.

However, we are very excited to announce that a special guest, Kirill Ivanov from СБПЧ, will be joining us on stage!

We understand that sudden changes may affect your plans, and we thank you for your understanding and support!

See you on Monday!
Your PANDA platforma team


Ilya Baramia (Aigel), Alexey Pomigalov (Est Est Est), and Mikhail Fenichev (2H Company) showcase innovative blends of experimental hip-hop and IDM.

Join the very first concert of the formation in Berlin!


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We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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