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Home DJ Hem / Orient Grooves from Helsinki
DJ Hem / Orient Grooves from Helsinki

DJ Hem / Orient Grooves from Helsinki

by Yulia

DJ Hem (Hamdam Zakirov) is an Uzbekistan-born, Helsinki-based poet, blogger, vinyl collector & DJ, author of mixes, podcasts, and articles about popular and jazz music of Central Asia.

Recently, he has been performing with sets of old and modern oriental music, using only vinyl records.

DJ Hem promises to bring Eastern and Balkan music to the party in PANDA platforma.

Styles: disco, funk, synth, electro, reggae, techno. Get ready to be blown away!

Online set:

Photo by Dmitri Kotjuh

Admission: donation

Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren ist der Zutritt zu Veranstaltungen in PANDA platforma nur in Begleitung einer erziehungsbeauftragten oder personensorgeberechtigten Person in Verbindung mit jeweils einer gültigen Eintrittskarte gestattet. Grundlage: §5 JuSchG

We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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