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Home Exhibition opening: “Ringwise. There and back again: S41/42 sketches”
Exhibition opening: “Ringwise. There and back again: S41/42 sketches”

Exhibition opening: “Ringwise. There and back again: S41/42 sketches”

by Yulia

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

The colorful mosaic of the non-parade side of Berlin is revealed to a passenger of the Berlin Ring. A mix of reflections, patches of light, a palimpsest of graffiti, and advertising texts create a surreal, Berlin-esque vitality.

We stop the train for a split second to see the glare and shadows, the trees growing through the faces of the passengers. To explore, how the windowpane confesses its love, how the reflected light glows on the black as if it were the charred, railroad-track-facing underside of the houses.

When we do not stop the train, the constancy of boarding and transferring the regular progressive-retrospective repetition blurs the vision and kills the sharpness of perception. And we don’t see the miracle outside the train windows.

The miracle of the continuous, daily movement, the imperceptible and constant change in the fabric of reality, temporarily granted to us forever.

The exhibition runs from September 5 to November 14 and can be visited during events.
Curated by Roman Ekimov
Artists: Vika Agureeva, Maya Ashinyants, Roman Ekimov, Dina Gidon, Nika Maksymyuk, Lyuba Moroz, Dmitry Vyshemirsky

Free admission.

Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren ist der Zutritt zu Veranstaltungen in PANDA platforma nur in Begleitung einer erziehungsbeauftragten oder personensorgeberechtigten Person in Verbindung mit jeweils einer gültigen Eintrittskarte gestattet. Grundlage: §5 JuSchG

We are here:

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 44319557 |


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