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Home de-form/-effect: An exhibition meets musical performances: opening concert
de-form/-effect: An exhibition meets musical performances: opening concert

de-form/-effect: An exhibition meets musical performances: opening concert

by Sonya Birch

PANDA platforma
Knaackstr. 97 (im kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei)

An Exhibition Meets Musical Performances
30/06/2023 – 09/07/2023
What are the effects and defects experienced through pandemic and war-driven exile?
The artists reflect on the de-(formations) and (d)effects as a result of the conflicts in their homelands and their own experiences of exile. These either forced or chosen distances are reflected in their artworks.
de-form/-effect is a collective multimedia exhibition by Victoria Likholyot (Ukraine), Ruben Manuel (Peru) & Maria Petrenko (Ukraine) and a concert by Andrew Dulysh / tenor saxophone (Ukraine), Mykyta Bogdanov / transelectro (Ukraine), Yasar Bayat (Ukraine) + Viktor Kurando /ambient set (Ukraine).
Join us on June 30th in the exhibition opening at 19:00 which will be followed by a concert at 20:00. The presentations are part of Artist Training DIGITAL BASICS at UdK, Berlin Career College.
Exhibition opening: 19:00
Concert: 20:00
Donations for Sunflower Care e.V. are welcome.
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About the artists:
Victoria Likholyot (1985, Kharkiv / Ukraine)
An artist and photographer from Kharkiv. A member of the Ukrainian Women Photographers Organization. She has exhibited in Paris, Chicago, Beijing, and Berlin. Currently living in Berlin.
Ruben Manuel (1986, Lima / Peru)
is a transdisciplinary artist and cultural mediator. His projects include audiovisual, performative and participatory formats and deal with social issues such as migration and diversity, historical memory and climate change. His work offers a participatory dimension and involves collaboration with anyone interested in transcultural dialogue that engages all senses. He is the founder of the INTIKUREN project and father of Janus Pacha.”
Maria Petrenko (1984, Kyiv / Ukraine)
An artist and photographer from Kyiv. She has participated in exhibitions in London, Krakow, Kyiv, Lviv, and Arles. She was a finalist of the Sony World Photography Awards 2018 and is a member of the Ukrainian Women Photographers Organization. She studied photography at Bird in Flight and MYPH schools. Currently, she lives in Berlin.
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The DAAD project Artist Training DIGITAL BASICS is a qualification program at the UdK Berlin Career College for exiled artists. The teaching goals of the continuing education programs are networking in the local cultural and creative industries, strategic positioning in the respective artistic orientation and establishing oneself in the job market.

Since 2016 the Artist Training provides 47 modules containing information and contacts for about 700 artists in exile and creatives from the following fields: music, culture and media, fine arts, performing arts, and film. Networking events facilitate connections within the respective artistic sectors, while consulting activities examine in depth individual situations.

More information:
The project Artist Training DIGITAL BASICS is an offer of the UdK Berlin Career College and is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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