Set 1
Taiko Saito – vibraphone
Jan Roder – double bass
Michael Griener – drums
Set 2
Silke Lange – accordion, electronics
Set 3
Brad Henkel – trumpet
Mia Dyberg – alto sax
Antti Virtaranta – double bass
Sofia Borges – drums
“Jazz and experimental in Berlin” is a concert series conceived as a further incarnation of the Berlin-based record label “Trouble in the East Records” that reaches its seventh edition this year. It consists of four evenings of music, each one fully showcasing our aesthetic guiding principles that provide for the ubiquitous presence of creativity and improvisation as common elements of musical realities stylistically diverse.
Special attention is given to the bands featured in the label’s latest releases as well as to musicians and groups from the Berlin creative music scene. However, this year too there will be a representation of musicians who, although not residing in Berlin, are strongly linked to the city, completing a very interesting program under the banner of multiplicity and inclusion.
Each night three small ensembles ranging from solo to quartet will alternate on stage and create a unique and fascinating combination of distinct sounds and approaches moving free improvisation to avant-garde jazz to electronic music, always bearing the hallmark of individuality, sincerity and adventurousness.
Regular price – 15 € (online / doors)
Reduced price – 10 € (students / pensioners / recipient of ALG II benefits) – at the doors on the day of the concert
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